Much as we'd like to think otherwise, the reality of actually "
making a living" from Alchemy Stones still remains a distant dream.
There is, in fact, a lot of truth to the old saying that artists are "
Very large and intricate stone; created as a meditation stone
for a cancer sufferer |
Whether you are a long-time fan of Alchemy Stones or just discovered them, we could really use your help!
The thing is, Alchemy Stones are not my livelihood. I actually run
two home-based businesses in addition to doing other outside work... which means that the
actual time I have available to create Alchemy Stones is
very limited, quite simply because I
cannot afford to give the time to them I would really like.
Of course, it is my dream to be able to eventually develop my art into something that at least affords a reliable
part time income, but that's still a
long way off... even after seven years of doing this in "
the spaces in between." Realizing that I would
never reach this dream under our current circumstances, I have decided to take a different approach.
Can You Spare $1 a month? $5 a month?
For as little as
a dollar a month, you can become a supporter of Alchemy Stones via
our Patreon campaign. If you are not familiar with it, Patreon is a crowdfunding platform for artists and creatives, designed to connect art lovers and artists so that Independent Art and Creativity that grow and thrive.
I call this color set a "peacock stone." |
Aren't we just "
begging for money," here?
In the olden days, artists were often supported by their communities and wealthier citizens... which allowed them to create, rather than just toil in the fields.
As someone once pointed out to me:
"It's difficult to become a painter, when all your time goes to one full time and one part time job, just so you can pay rent and eat..."
In the case of the campaign for Alchemy Stones, the idea is to develop enough small sponsorships that it buys some time I can use to
create, and then I would actually
have stones to sell as a source of income. Tough to do, if I don't have
time to actually paint the stones!
But that's only
half the story.
YOUR Value for Money!
Our Patreon funding effort is set up in such a way that sponsors/patrons actually can get their full value back, in terms of benefits and freebies!
We have six different sponsorship tiers, starting at just $1 a month, up to a top limit of $50 a month. We deliberately kept the levels pretty low... the idea being that "
real people" should be able to
afford to participate.
As a supporter of Alchemy Stones, you'll get free gifts, discounts and other goodies potentially worth about 120-150% of the value of your support level. Because we're not running a
charity here, we're simply trying to get an art-based business up, running and established!
Of course, if you simply think it's a
worthy cause you'd support even
without the benefits, we're equally grateful!
So, please consider supporting this creative dream! Are you willing to give up
one latte a month at your local Starbucks in service of supporting handmade spiritual art in our technological age?
We hope so!
At least... go
check out the Alchemy Stones Patreon page... there's no charge for looking!